This is the best way to store garlic

Many people can’t finish their meal without a clove of garlic, and they always have an onion in the kitchen. Although this fragrant food can be stored for months, it’s important to store the garlic bulb properly. This way you get the most out of the garlic and prevent it from becoming soft and losing its flavor.

Save a whole bulb of garlic

If you’re fanatical about cooking with garlic, you’ll use up the whole bulb quickly .

If you’re not such a fan or have bought a large pack of garlic bulbs, keeping the garlic fresh can be more difficult. You can store a whole head of garlic outside of the refrigerator, but the head will likely start to sprout if you do. The garlic is still edible but has a less pleasant taste.The proper temperature for garlicA temperature of 15 to 18 degrees is ideal for storing garlic.

Since the room temperature is usually higher, you need to find a good spot for the garlic. For example, a storage location closer to the floor is cooler than the top shelves of the kitchen cabinet and is therefore a better option. Also, do not place the garlic bulb near the kettle, oven, stove, or similar hot appliance. In addition, choose a place where there is no bright sunlight. Garlic prefers the shade.Storage ventilation

Garlic bulbs are regularly presented in a net, and with pinnacle reason. The bulbs of the plant need ventilation to maintain their long life. Therefore, it’s best to store garlic separately and not in a pantry, bag, or airtight storage box.

garlic bulbs on brown surface

Storing Peeled Garlic Cloves

Accidentally peeled more teeth than you need ?Peeled (or even sliced) garlic also can be saved for a while. Place the cloves in an airtight container (yes, you can if they are bare). A glass jar is better than a plastic jar because plastic absorbs the strong smell of garlic. The container should seal tightly to prevent everything in your fridge smelling like fragrant garlic. Peeled and/or sliced ​​garlic can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

How do you recognize while it is bad?

Gently squeeze your unpeeled clove of garlic. If it’s firm, you’re probably done. If it’s smooth in the meantime, it may have passed its prime. Another telltale sign your garlic is bad is its color: Peeled garlic cloves should be much more white than yellow.Discoloration is an indication of decay.

How to store whole garlic bulbs Leave the bulb

intact as long as possible. Again, once you start peeling, your garlic’s shelf life will decrease much faster. The best place for a whole head of garlic is a cool, dry, dark place. Sounds like a fridge?suppose once more Instead of the refrigerator, pick an area toward room temperature. Ideally, garlic is stored between 60° and 65°, but this is not realistic for most homes. Just use your best judgement.For maximum people, the pantry is the most secure place.

Can we freeze the garlic?

Yes, you absolutely can freeze garlic. It’s a great way to get the most out of lightbulbs you don’t intend to use in the near future. However, if you want it to keep its flavor and texture, you need to follow a few simple steps.

How to Freeze Garlic

Garlic freezes well, whether whole, peeled or chopped:

  • To Freeze Whole Garlic Heads: Place heads in a freezer-safe bag, label with date and freeze.
  • To freeze peeled garlic cloves: Peel and separate each garlic cloves, then spread evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover the baking sheet with plastic wrap and freeze overnight. Wrap the frozen cloves in aluminum foil, seal in a freezer safe bag labeled with the date, then refreeze.
  • To Freeze Minced or Minced Garlic: Peel and separate each garlic cloves, then finely and evenly chop (use a food processor if freezing in bulk). Brush with oil, then spread the garlic paste on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Cover the baking sheet and freeze overnight. Cut the frozen garlic paste into equal sized pieces, seal in a freezer proof bag with the date, then refreeze.

Note: Freeze garlic mixed with oil immediately after preparation; Leaving it at room temperature for too long puts you at risk of botulism.

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