Are your fingers constantly cold? Here is the solution

That’s why you always have cold hands!

Many people, especially women, often get cold hands. And even with thick gloves, it doesn’t go away.

You can rub your hands together, and warm them up with a hot cup of coffee, but eventually, the cold will return. So the question every person with a “cold hand” asks is: why do your hands get cold? And how do you get rid of it?


One of the primary motives for bloodless arms has to do together with your circulation.

If your blood circulation is not working well, your hands will get cold. Your body and circulatory system work hard to keep you warm. When you are in a colder climate, you have to work harder. It is particularly important that your organs stay warm. Therefore, your circulatory system ensures that enough blood circulates around your organs.

But the blood has to come from somewhere. That means sometimes the blood from your hands is needed to warm the rest of your body. The result is those cold hands you hate so much. Improving your circulation would help keep your hands warm when it’s cold outside. If you want to get your circulation going, you can exercise regularly or drink ginger tea.


Not surprisingly, vitamins are once again at the root of some of our health problems. Vitamins are very important! with its circulation. Vitamin C or B is very critical with regard to your circulatory system. A particularly important vitamin for hot hands is vitamin B12. This nutrition is essential for the manufacturing of blood and nerves. If you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your body, your fingers will go numb and you may feel tingling. That’s why a balanced diet with lots of vitamin B12 is important for your body!


If you not only have problems with cold hands but also feel tired and suffer from hair loss, then you can see your doctor’s Contact for a blood test. because you may have anemia.

Anemia is a condition caused by iron deficiency. Because of this deficiency, your body does not produce enough red blood cells. This leads to the symptoms you are experiencing. The simple cure would be to add some iron to your diet. Or your doctor can prescribe some nutritional supplements if needed.

Raynaud’s disease

The final possibility, once you’ve ruled out all other options, is that you have Raynoud’s disease. This disease causes blood flow to your fingers. and the toes, stop. You will notice that your fingers and toes will become numb and discoloration will become visible. If you want to be sure whether or not you are dealing with Raynaud’s disease, you can ask your doctor to monitor your symptoms. Fortunately, the disease is not a cause for great concern.

What you could do is increase your risk of frostbite. But it’s always good to get a professional opinion from your doctor who can enlighten you on the condition and the risks it poses.

Hope these tips will help you stay warm!

Raynaud’s Syndrome

 Also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon, is a condition that causes areas of your body, usually your fingers, to feel unduly cold and numb when exposed to cold temperatures or high levels of stress. If you have Raynaud, you can get extremely cold and numb fingers. This happens because the small arteries that supply blood to the skin become spasmed.

During a Raynaud’s attack, the arteries narrow, preventing blood from flowing properly. The fingers often change color, from white to blue to red.When the attack ends and blood flow to your hands returns to normal, you may feel tingling, throbbing, or swelling.

Your doctor can diagnose Raynaud’s syndrome based on your medical history and your symptoms. You can have blood tests done to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms, such as: B. an autoimmune disease. Most people with Raynaud’s have primary Raynaud’s, which is a separate disorder. Other people have secondary Raynaud’s syndrome, meaning their Raynaud’s attacks are a symptom of another condition.

Raynaud’s disease is not usually debilitating and most people do not need treatment. But there are treatment options. Doctors often prescribe drugs that widen blood vessels and improve blood flow. These include calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, and vasodilators.


Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. It is most common in women over 60 but can affect anyone. Hypothyroidism occurs gradually and rarely causes symptoms in the early stages. Over time, the condition can lead to complications such as heart disease, joint pain, obesity and infertility.
If your fingers feel unusually cold, you may have an underactive thyroid.Hypothyroidism does not cause cold fingers but increases sensitivity to cold. This means you feel colder than you really are. If you’re consistently colder than other people and have additional symptoms, it might be time to get tested. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
  • tiredness
  • weight gain
  • swollen face
  • dry skin
  • hoarseness
  • muscle weakness, pain, tenderness and stiffness
  • high or elevated cholesterol
  • hair loss or thinning hair
  • depressions
  • pain, stiffness of the joints
  • Your GP can diagnose hypothyroidism with a simple blood test. If you’re a woman over 60, your doctor may already test for hypothyroidism during your yearly physical exam.Treatment consists of a daily dose of a synthetic thyroid hormone, which is usually safe and effective.
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