Find out when you really shouldn’t drink soda

In that case, it’s better to choose another option or drink soda

We all know it always is It’s better to drink a glass of water than a soda, but sometimes it’s nice to quench your thirst with a fizzy drink. But did you know there’s a worse time of day to have a cold coke? Learn more below.

Worst time

If you’re planning on going for a run or starting an intense workout, drinking a soda or other fizzy drink might not be the best idea. According to a sports nutritionist who works with the Kansas City Chiefs, drinking soda actually contributes to dehydration. That means if you’re trying to quench your pre-workout thirst, a soft drink will actually make it worse. “You shouldn’t be drinking soft drinks before a workout,” Bonci told Eat


Drinking soft drinks before a workout negatively impacts hydration because it can take longer for fluid to travel through the digestive tract to the exercising muscles.”


That means, if you drink a soda Before you break a sweat, you may feel bloated and generally unwell. But there’s another time of day that’s also considered a bad time for lemonade. According to Bonci, a lemonade before breakfast is also not the way to go. “In general, drinking a soda in the morning can make you feel full before you’ve met your fluid needs,” he says.

“Because soft drinks take longer to empty your stomach, you may feel full, and if this is the first drink you drink after waking up, chances are you have a harder time giving up other liquids right away.” to take hydrate. sufficient, and in some cases, you may need to abstain from eating.”

So if you’re considering opening a cold refreshing soda or drinking a glass of water instead, water may be a safer option. Especially in the morning or before you set off on the.

Sugared Lemonade can be addictive.

In rats, bingeing on sugar can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, which produces a feeling of pleasure.
Sugar binges can have similar effects in certain people because their brains are hardwired to look for dopamine-releasing activity. In fact, several research recommends that sugar and processed junk meals in the standard have an effect on your mind like tough drugs.
In people with addictive tendencies, sugar can induce a reward-seeking behavior known as binge eating.
Some studies show that sugar can be physically addictive.
Although addiction is more difficult to detect in humans, many people consume sugary beverages in a pattern typical of substances of abuse and addiction.

Sugary drinks may increase your risk of heart disease

Sugar intake has long been linked to the risk of heart disease. It is well known that sugary beverages increase risk factors for heart disease, including high blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and small, dense LDL particles.
Recent human studies indicate a strong association between sugar consumption and heart disease risk in all populations. A 20-yr take look at 40,000 guys observed that people who drank 1 sugary drink an afternoon had a 20% improved risk of having a heart attack or dying from a heart attack compared to men who rarely drank sugary drinks.

The final result

Drinking large amounts of sugary beverages, such as B. sodas, can have several adverse effects on your health.

These range from an increased risk of tooth decay to an increased risk of heart disease and metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes.

Regular consumption of sugary soft drinks also appears to be a consistent risk factor for weight gain and obesity.

If you want to lose weight, avoid chronic disease, and live longer, consider limiting your consumption of sugary beverages.

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